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Blockchain Technology in the Waste Management Industry 

As sustainable development goals become crucial for governments and people worldwide, the urge to change current practices and become environmentally conscious and responsible has become vital. Primary environmental stressors include the scarcity of resources and the contamination of our ecosystem. These factors can be reduced by managing our resources well, ensuring they do not end up wrongfully disposed of.

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Blockchain Developer

Transforming the Waste Management Industry

Waste Management 4.0 

While sustainable development touches eventually every single aspect of our life, the progress made through many sectors towards sustainable future seems pacing at different speeds dictated by the nature of the sectors themselves. The waste and recycling sectors evolution drag probably for the same reasons that caused these sectors to develop originally in such slow pace. Indeed regulations in the developed word drawn a clear path on how to move the sector forwards however the emerging market (even where relatively regulations exist) still lack the resoluteness needed to transform the sectors. With the inevitable need to transform the waste and recycling sectors, the aim of this paper is to invesitgate synergies between different concepts such as circular economy, block chain, and industry 4.0 in order to identify potential development areas which if invested properly, the waste and recycling sectors could leap forward and transform into models of higher sustainability efficiency and where changes in our day to day live could be eventually observed.  

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